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1 Cours 2 Categories

Modifié 21 mars 2020

1ère Année

Modifié 26 mars 2020

2 ème Année
Master en Génie civil
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Master en Génie civil



To improve English lge proficiency among the learners with emphasis on integration of skills.

To provide the learners with the essential develop their communication skills.

To make learners of Engineering understand the importance of technical communication.

To improve their professional speaking skills with the knowledge of the different situations ( academic /professional)

To train them to write academic types of writings and professional writings ( memos/ reports/user manuals etc..)

For receptive skills, the focus is on:

-          Reading and listening tasks on technical and scientific texts and conversations/ videos.

-          Skimming for main ideas and scanning for specifics

-          Predicting, inferring and guessing

-          Identify undertones in the writer’s or speaker’s attitudes and conceptualizations.

For speaking skills the main focus is the following:

-          Seminars and group discussions

-          Simulation and role plays

-          Inferring meanings and interpreting the undertones and respond accordingly.

-          Expressing attitudes and giving arguments towards issues and concepts.

-          Participating in debates.

For writing tasks, :

-          Writing an abstract

-          Describing a process using technical language and sequencing

-          Comparing and contrasting

-          Interpreting graphs/ statistics/ tables

-          Using cohesive devices and linkers

-          Writing for professional purposes ( memos, business reports, etc..)

-          Identifying the different types of writings and the appropriate cohesive devices

Language focus:

Advanced language such as modals, mixed tenses, collocations etc..

Job skills focus ( based on role plays/ pair work/+ group waork/+ projects):

-          How to succeed interviews

-          Presentations

-          Critical thinking skills

-          Problem solving

-          Interpersonal skills

The syllabus is content-based, task-based, situation-based, communication-based and project-based.